
General Information

Full Name Xiaopan Zhang
Date of Birth October 13th 1997
Languages English, Mandarin


  • 2024 - Now
    PhD in Electrical Engineering
    University of California - Riverside
    • Current reseach interest lies in the Generalization of Multi Robot Collaboration
  • 2022-2023
    Master's in Computer Science
    University of Southern California
    • Conducted Researches at DRCL Laboratory under the direction of Professor Quan Nguyen.
  • 2019-2021
    Bachelor's in Computer Science
    University of Michigan - Ann Arbor


  • 2024 - Now
    Graduate Student Researcher
    Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Laboratory, University of California - Riverside
    • Conducting researches under the direction of advisor Jianchen Li
  • 2022-2023
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Dynamic Robotics and Control Laboratory, University of Southern California
    • Co-worked on a large scale robotics project which aims to control multiple four-legged robots for an enhanced exploration and task execution.
    • Conducted comprehensive testing of multi-robot collaboration in both simulated environments and real-world scenarios, focusing on strawberry and raspberry fields.

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Photography, Travel